High School Portfolio Submissions

Wow! It certainly took a lot of time and work to make these pieces. Frankly, I'm kind of still impressed on how things turned out; this was for high school admissions! Circa October-Late November 2022.

Visual Arts

Portrait of my grandmother, Pencil on large mix-use paper.

This was sketched over a long period of time.

Cityscape Overlooking Manhattan from the East River, Pen on watercolor paper. 

I might've just put the most amount of effort of all of these right into this one! I used Google Earth screenshots as my only reference (Not really sure how I was able to include New Jersey with my reference ... )

Subway Sandwich, Colored Pencil on large mix-use paper.

I thought this would be interesting... it is! I tried to make it look like an IND transfer station, with the classic mezzanine in the middle. The subway marker pole is there, but originally I wanted a full staircase... (it looked impractical)

The Quarantine Plant, Pencil on large mix-use paper.

This plant is almost dead, hand sanitizer right next to its base, and a mouse to the right. The COVID-19 pandemic is what I wanted to convey... in this drawing. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

Self-Portrait from Life, Pencil on large sketch paper.

The requirements for making the self-portrait were that you had to draw it from life, not from a photo. Almost everyone else [that I know of] instead used photos. Not me! I actually stared into a portable mirror for it, it took a while and multiple drafts, but... it's the third-most realistic-looking human I've drawn (the other two I can't remember... but I believe that they're great).

Corner Store, 2019. Pen on printer paper.

This drawing is unique since it's from late 2019, not October-November 2022. In fact, my dad added this to my portfolio, I didn't even know he added it. Kudos to him? I'm surprised with how good this drawing is, since I was 10 when I drew it...

Graphic Design

Celestial Impression Advertisement (2004), 2022. Pen on large mix-use paper, digitally sorted and captioned.

This one was very interesting, since I made it right before the portfolio. It worked in so many ways to display an advertisement, so It was placed in. I used a panel from Hergé's "Tin-Tin: In the Land of the Soviets." (1929)

EeVee Lineup Advertisement, Pen on large mix-used paper, digitally colored and captioned.

This could've been so much more, but there was a time constraint. When I made this, I wasn't thinking about the Pokémon character with the same name. After I noticed, I begged and pleaded to my dad so I could rename it. There just wasn't enough time!

"BroopBurger" Outfront Subway Station Poster, Digital Art..

I already had "Broopins" as a concept fast food restaurant, but it was a bit harder to finalize the design. I even used some photos in the ad for the burger, as it didn't specify... 🤭

Pick your iPod Team!, 2020. Pencil on printer paper.

This was drawn from complete memory, so I might've gotten a few things wrong. Oh, well. This is also from the midpoint of 2020, when it was a life hazard to open your window, or go outside. The g'd old days!