Freshman Tech Design
This year, my instructor was Ms. Edelman.

For the film project, we worked in groups. Each one of us did something special to contribute to the film, and each one of us were to edit it. My contribution was moslty the original story, camerawork, and the edit you're seeing right now.
This animtion was based off a neon sign and the icon itself is based off of a local deli's large coffee pictograph, the Caton Deli & Luncheonette on Caton Avenue & St. Paul Place in Brooklyn, NY.
Movie Poster
With this poster, we were tasked with making a illustration that had to utilize pets as its main focus.
My intended goal for the overall project was to have a well-recognizable portrait of me, made to look close to that of a real painting, or better yet, a photograph. I made a lot of colors similar to differentiate a little from my reference photograph that I used. I instead made a lot of similar colors the same, and by doing this allowed for a larger margin for error, as I could experiment with blending these colors to have the result be similar, or more vibrant, to that of the photo’s. The project fell short of my expectations, however, as I overestimated my skill in a program I’ve used very little in the past, by making very ambitious plans for finer details, textures, and the background. Very little of these ambitions are fully seen in the artwork, and I could’ve planned how and when I would work on key details, as I needed an extension for this project from the original deadline. I’d also add more coherent color and a complementary-colored background if I would work on this again. Overall, even with some of these mistakes, the final artwork really does still bring everything together, and does satisfy my original expectations of what I wanted it to be.
For this project, we had to select a group of colors and make a panel showcasing those colors' in various photos. The main colors I selected were orange and blue, arguably a timeless color combo.
Pumpkin Mask
For this project, we had to select an image of a pumpkin. From there, we could put our own styles and art on top, based off of what we've learned in the class. Overall, I'd argue that this assignment was a whole lot of fun, and I have a nice pumpkin to match...
Identity Collage
My collage was made through Photoshop, after just a couple weeks from learning the software. My intended goal for the collage was to display all of my characteristics into one, cohesive piece of work.
Command Keys Poster
For my commands sheet poster, I used Procreate on my iPad. My goal was to make everything as clean as possible, and I think I did, overall, a good job on the assignment.